Florida Officer Reactivation Process
Inactive Florida Certified Law Enforcement/Correctional OfficersSpecifically for "inactive" FLorida Certified officers
Must have a four- year (4) break in certified employment (measured from date of separation)
No more than an eight-year (8) break in certified employment (measured from date of separation)
Reactivation Process
There are three steps to this process. Each step is independent and has to be successfully completed before moving on to the next. If you pass all three steps your Florida certification is subject to reactivation.
Note: You must complete all three parts, including the State Officer Certification Examination (SOCE), within eight years of the separation date from your last employment as an officer in Florida. If you exceed this eight-year limit, you must attend a full Basic Recruit Training Academy in order to become certified in Florida again.
Step 1: Reactivation Evaluation
You must undergo a Florida Officers Reactivation Evaluation
(This is the only step of the process handled by PASS)
There is a $50.00 non-refundable fee for this verification and is usually completed within days of application.
You start the verification process by submitting the following application.
If your application is approved, you will receive an exemption (CJSTC 76 Form) allowing you to continue in the process. The exemption will give you one year to complete the next two steps of the process.
Step 2: EOT Training
Complete the EOT Training
You must contact a certified training center, such as the one at SEPSI at St. Petersburg College or another training center approved by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).
Step 3: Certification Exam
Pass the State Officer Certification Examination (SOCE)
The training center, such as St. Petersburg College, you used for Step 2 will help you schedule the SOCE, or you can learn more about the examination from the FDLE.
Representing 13 Law Enforcement Agencies in Pinellas County
* Although fully utilizing PASS, the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office and St. Petersburg Police Department require direct application for the facilitation of an agency specific background assessment.